Wheeling all the way to Wembley: Cycle parking at football grounds Jonathan Oldaker from Modeshift partner Turvec share’s his...
Secure your spot at the Winter Modeshift Members Regional Meetings
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, Team Modeshift Events, events, news, Regional Meeting, regional meetings, Team Modeshift, topSecure your spot at the Winter Modeshift Members Regional Meetings Your regional meetings are your opportunity for networking, information...
Modeshift TravelWise & STARS Business Conference 2024 – agenda details released
/ Modeshift News, active travel, Conference, Corporate, events, Modeshift, Modeshift STARS, national, Sustainable Travel, topModeshift TravelWise & STARS Business Conference – agenda details released 19 March 2024 @ 9:00 am – 4:45 pm...
Modeshift Active Travel Ambassadors – campaign junction events
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, academies, active travel, events, Modeshift STARS Active Travel Ambassadors, secondary schools, Sustainable Travel, topSchool pupils pitch cycling and walking plans to industry experts at ‘Dragons Den’ events Over the next few months we’ll...
Help shape plans to improve walking, cycling and public transport in Leeds
/ Modeshift News, active travel, consultation, Leeds City Council, topHelp shape plans to improve walking, cycling and public transport along Woodhouse Lane Leeds City Council are asking people...
Walking maps for The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
/ Modeshift News, NHS, patient maps, Pindar Creative, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, topWalking maps for The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust Living Streets has published two new walking maps enabling patients...
Sheffield Academy celebrates School Street closure
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, active travel, active travel ambassadors, astrea academy, School Streets, sheffield city council, topSheffield Academy celebrates School Street closure Teachers and pupils at Astrea Academy Sheffield celebrated the implementation of their...
Active Travel England Engagement Webinar: Delivering NHS Net Zero Travel and Transport
/ Modeshift News, active travel enmgland, Net zero, NHS, top, WebinarActive Travel England Engagement Webinar: Delivering NHS Net Zero Travel and Transport In Active Travel England’s latest engagement webinar,...
How last mile delivery schemes are helping councils provide cleaner air
/ Modeshift News, Air quality, clean air, local authority, local council, topHow last mile delivery schemes are helping councils provide cleaner air A variety of last mile delivery schemes have...
Hear from Active Champions from The Ridge Junior School!
/ Modeshift News, education, Modeshift STARS, school of the year, the ridge, topHear from Active Champions from The Ridge Junior School! Interview with Active Travel Champions: The Ridge Junior School, STARS...
Team Modeshift Events Calendar – January 2024
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, Team Modeshift Events, January 2024, Team Modeshift Events Calendar, topHere’s Team Modeshift’s Event Calendar for January – let’s keep active travelling in 2024! Down load your January 24...
Record year for Memberships and STARS licenses!
/ Modeshift News, Membership and STARS Licences, record year, topRecord year for Memberships and STARS licenses! As we approach the end of the 2023/24 Team Modeshift membership year,...
Modeshift STARS Education Annual Report 2022/23
/ Modeshift News, Annual Report, modeshift stars education, topModeshift STARS Education Annual Report 2022/23 The Modeshift STARS Education scheme has had its most successful year since...
STARS Newsletter Modeshift STARS Regional Awards 2023
/ Awards, Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, National STARS School Travel Awards, top, winnersThe Modeshift STARS Regional Awards took place on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 November 2023. The regional awards showcase...
Portercroft School, Sheffield share their Outstanding Travel Plan accreditation success.
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, modeshift stars education, Portercroft school, top, travel planInterview: Portercroft School, Sheffield, South Yorkshire Portercroft School recently gained a STARS Outanding Travel Plan accreditation. We spoke with...
Modeshift Active Travel Ambassadors share their success!
/ Modeshift News, active travel ambassadors, ATA, topIn March 2022 Modeshift, in partnership with The Bikeability Trust, was awarded funding by the Active Travel England...
Central Park Business Park & Darlington Borough Council promote sustainable transport initiatives
/ Modeshift News, Business, STARS Business, top, travel planBusiness Central, Darlington College and The Centre for Process Innovation all attained approved level travel plan...
Modeshift supporting multi-occupier business parks through STARS Business
/ Modeshift News, Business Parks, STARS Business, top, travel planModeshift supporting multi-occupier business parks through STARS Business Modeshift were delighted to attend the Sherburn in Elmet Business Forum...
TravelWise Week Awards WINNERS 2023!
/ Awards, Modeshift News, Awards, Finalists, nominations, top, travel wise weekTravelWise Week Awards WINNERS It was a difficult job for our judges, but we’re thrilled to announce the Winners...
Modeshift STARS system biggest upgrades released!
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, System upgrade, topIn September this year, we released one of the biggest ever upgrades to the Modeshift STARS system. This included...
Wheels for Wellbeing mark Disability History Month with launch of photobank of images of Disabled cyclists
/ Modeshift News, Active Travel England, disability, history month, top, Wheels for WellbeingWheels for Wellbeing mark Disability History Month with launch of photobank of images of Disabled cyclists Wheels for Wellbeing...
Living Streets 2024 UK Walking Summit will take place in Sheffield on Thursday 7 March The 2024 Summit will...
Children’s activity levels hold firm but significant challenges remain
/ Modeshift News, 2022 - 2023, academic year, activity levels, children and young people., Sport England, survey, topChildren’s activity levels hold firm but significant challenges remain Sport England have published their latest Active Lives Children and...
Hull City Council supports cyclists to ‘stay safe and stay seen’
/ Modeshift News, Bike lights, dark nights, Hull City Council, topHull City Council supports cyclists to ‘stay safe and stay seen’ with return of Bike Lights for Dark...
Tameside MBC set to launch its Modeshift STARS Business Accreditation to a wide range of employers at Business Net Zero Event
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, Business, Modeshift STARS, Net zero, Tameside, topTameside MBC set to launch its Modeshift STARS Business Accreditation to a wide range of employers at Business Net...
New addition to #TeamModeshift Tracy Barker joins Team Modeshift as Customer Support Officer. Tracy has worked a Fleet Manager...
BetterPoints gives Sheffielders free bus and tram travel for Christmas
/ Modeshift News, BetterPoints, First Bus, public transport, sheffield city council, SYMCA, top, TravelMasterBetterPoints gives Sheffielders free bus and tram travel for Christmas BetterPoints Sheffield launched on the 26 of September with...
Modeshift Membership and Licence Fees 2024/25
/ Modeshift News, Membership fees, Team Modeshift, topDear Member, Subject: Modeshift Membership and Licence Fees 2024/25 On 8 November 2023, The Chair of Modeshift, Ross...
Modeshift Convention 2023 – that’s a wrap
/ Modeshift News, active travel, events, members, Modeshift Convention, topModeshift Convention 2023 – that’s a wrap We hope that our delegates have recovered from the massive amounts of...
Cycle bells, cycle bells, cycle all the way this December
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, Team Modeshift Events, Cycle Bells, December, Team Modeshift Events Calendar, topCycle bells, cycle bells, cycle all the way this December Stride, ride and sing along with us this December. ...
Team Modeshift National Sustainable Travel Award WINNERS
/ Awards, Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, 2023, Awards, Modeshift, National Awards, Sustainable Travel, topTeam Modeshift National Sustainable Travel Award WINNERS This evening (Thursday 23 November 2023) was a special one. #TeamModeshift members...
TravelWise Week Awards WINNERS
/ Awards, Modeshift News, Awards, Finalists, nominations, top, travel wise weekTravelWise Week Awards WINNERS Thursday 23 November, at York Racecourse Well done to all those who took part in...
The #100WomenInCycling 2023 have been revealed!
/ Modeshift News, Cycling UK, top, top 100, women in cyclingThe #100WomenInCycling 2023 have been revealed! Cycling Uk’s seventh annual 100 Women In Cycling list, is proud to celebrate women...
Teenagers can’t be shocked into becoming safer drivers
/ Modeshift News, driving, RAC Foundation, road safety, top, young peopleRAC FOUNDATION PRESS RELEASE Teenagers can’t be shocked into becoming safer drivers Using ‘shock and tell’ tactics to teach...
Modeshift supporting multi-occupier business parks through STARS Business
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, active travel, Business Acrecitation, Modeshift STARS, Sherburn in Elmet, Sustainable Travel, top, travel planModeshift supporting multi-occupier business parks through STARS Business Modeshift were delighted to attend the Sherburn in Elmet Business Forum...
Greenwich transport leader charts path to climate resilience and better streets
/ Modeshift News, active travel, Greenwich’s Transport Strategy, Sustainable Travel, topGreenwich transport leader charts path to climate resilience and better streets Greenwich’s Transport Strategy includes plans to improve road...
‘Get Down to Town’ with Modeshift partner Brightwayz
/ Modeshift News, Brightwayz, get down to town, kettering, Modeshift STARS, top‘Get Down to Town’ with Modeshift partner Brightwayz ‘Get Down to Town’ is Modeshift partner Brightwayz’ project to develop...
National Modeshift Convention – Final Agenda
/ Awards, Modeshift News, 2023, active travel, Conference, convention, event, Sustainable Travel, topNational Modeshift Convention – Final Agenda Thursday 23 and Friday 24 November, at York Racecourse. Ahead of next week’s...
BetterPoints – Join the Modeshift Convention 2023 Challenge
/ Modeshift News, BetterPoints, Convention23, topJoin the Modeshift Convention 2023 Challenge Modeshift partners BetterPoints have created a Modeshift 2023 Challenge. Convention delegates can keep...
Modeshift STARS Regional Awards 2023
/ Awards, Modeshift News, Modeshift STARS, National STARS School Travel Awards, top, winnersThe Modeshift STARS Regional Awards took place on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 November 2023. The regional awards showcase...
Diwali Active Travel Champion special
/ Modeshift News, active travel champion, diwali, south east asian heritage month, top, TravelChampionDiwali Active Travel Champion special Every day people inspiring everyday journeys. A celebration of walking, wheeling and cycling We...
Accreditation for Business Central, Darlington College and The Centre for Process Innovation
/ Modeshift News, Business, Business Central, Centre for Process Innovation, darlington, Darlington College, Modeshift STARS, top, travel plan‘Approved’ level travel plan accreditation for Business Central, Darlington College and The Centre for Process Innovation Business Central, Darlington...
Commonswood School Celebrates first new 20 mph Zone in Hertfordshire
/ Modeshift News, 20 mph Zone, Commonswood School, Hertfordshire, topCommonswood School Celebrates first new 20 mph Zone in Hertfordshire Teachers and pupils at Commonswood Primary and Nursery School...
Modeshift TravelWise & STARS Business Conference 2024
/ business conference 2024, STARS, top, TravelWiseModeshift TravelWise & STARS Business Conference 2024 19 March 2024 @ 9:00 am – 4:45 pm Travel Wiser: Effective...
TravelWise Week Awards finalists announced
/ Awards, Modeshift News, Awards, Finalists, nominations, top, travel wise weekTravelWise Week Awards finalists announced Well done to all those who took part in this years’ TravelWise Week. It...
Active Travel England at the Modeshift Convention
/ Modeshift News, Active Travel England, Modeshift Convention, topActive Travel England at the Modeshift Convention National Modeshift Convention – Thursday 23 and Friday 24 November, at York Racecourse...
University of Birmingham Event: Towards a Whole Systems Approach to Sustainable Transport: Place, People, Practice
/ Modeshift News, event, sustainable transport, top, university of birminghamTowards a Whole Systems Approach to Sustainable Transport: Place, People, Practice Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 10:00 – 15:30 The...