Sport England Image. Female coach sits with group of children bedside football pitch. Children wear black and yellow kits with high viz vests.

Children’s activity levels hold firm but significant challenges remain

Sport England have published their latest Active Lives Children and Young People survey that covers the 2022-23 academic year.

Children and young people’s overall activity levels are stable as the initial recovery from the pandemic was maintained across the 2022-23 academic year.

It means 47% of children meeting the Chief Medical Officers’ guidelines of taking part in an average of 60 minutes or more of sport and physical activity a day.

Sport England Infographic showing 47% of children and young people are active.

The figures published on 7 December in the latest Active Lives Children and Young People Survey Report, are in line with the 2018-2019 academic year, the last full year before the pandemic, and higher than in 2017-18 when the survey was launched.

Th findings reinforce that participation in sport and physical activity varies greatly. Significant inequalities remain in activity levels, with Black (40%) and Asian (40%) children and young people, and those from the least affluent families (44%), still less likely to play sport or be physically active than the average across all ethnicities and affluence groups. Girls (44%) are also less likely to be active than boys (51%).

For the full article and survey visit: Children’s activity levels hold firm but significant challenges remain | Sport England

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