The 2021 edition of the Hackney School Streets Toolkit for Professionals goes into greater details about budget, exemptions, common...
Archive for category: Modeshift News
This is week two of our interviews featuring each of our Board Members, so you can find out more...
Modeshift interviewed partner Turvec to find out more about their premium quality, tailored bicycle storage solutions. What’s your best...
New studies show School Streets improve air quality
/ Modeshift News, Improve air quality, Schools streetsStudy finds that School Streets reduced nitrogen dioxide by up to 23 per cent during morning drop off. Closing...
Rules on privately owned e-scooters – News from Buckinghamshire Council
/ Modeshift News, Buckinghamshire Council, e-scooter rulesTravel Safe Bucks has launched its latest social media campaign to raise awareness of the law on privately owned...
National bus strategy for England published
/ Modeshift News, Bus Back Better, National bus strategyThe government has published Bus Back Better: a national bus strategy for England, which outlines ambitious reform of how...
Cross-Party Group Of Parliamentarians Calls On Government And Transport Industry To Challenge Macho Culture
/ Modeshift News, Women in transportParliamentarians from across the political spectrum have called on government and the transport industry to challenge macho behaviours and...
Every week we will be featuring an interview with each of our Board Members, so you can find out...
Spotlight on Modeshift Partner Brightwayz/Brightkidz
/ Modeshift News, Modeshift Partner Brightwayz Brightkidz, Sustainable TravelModeshift interviewed partner Brightwayz/Brightkidz to find out more about the products and information they provide to support active travel...
A further £5m has been awarded to local authorities across England to deliver projects that tackle air pollution. The...
Trial project launched to reduce private car use at the University of Warwick
/ Modeshift News, Reduce personal car use University of Warwick, Reduce private car useE-scooters, buses on demand and Enterprise Car Club vehicles are just some of the innovative transport projects being looked...
The Zero Emissions Network – also called ZEN – is an award winning network of businesses, managed jointly by...
Co Bikes has announced new electric bike stations in Exeter, set to help the city’s ambitions to become net...
As part of work around our Equality and Diversity action plan Modeshift recently attended the online launch of the...
How Women Cycled Their Way to Freedom
/ Modeshift News, Cycling women, International Women's Day and cycling, women who cycleHow bicycles helped women move forward and share women empowerment. Bicycles have played an important historical — and often...
Team Modeshift Honorary Member – Anne Hardy
/ Modeshift News, Hertfordshire County Council, Sustainable Travel, Team Modeshift Honorary MemberModeshift interviewed Honorary Member Anne Hardy, Road Safety and Sustainable Travel Manager at Hertfordshire County Council, to find out...
When completing a Travel Plan on the new Stars system, Next wanted to demonstrate in a simple graphic what...
Changing behaviours to reduce climate change and protect our environment. The rise of climate change is a global challenge...
#LetSchoolsBreathe Campaign
/ Modeshift News, #letschoolsbreathe, Air quality, reducing air pollutionCampaign for schools in the UK to monitor, inform and educate about air pollution. #LetSchoolsBreathe is a campaign to...
PRiDE OUT Cycling Group
/ Modeshift News, LGBTQ History Month, LGBTQ+ Cycling, PRiDE OUT, PRiDE OUT Cycling GroupMy name is Richard Hearne, founder of an LGBTQ+ cycling club PRiDE OUT. I’ve always loved cycling since being...
Low traffic neighbourhoods are being trialled in some cities, particularly London, with 4% of Londoners living in low traffic...
Lorries and pedestrians campaign – News from Room 9 Media
/ Modeshift News, Lorries and pedestrian campaign, road safety, Room 9 MediaRoad safety and child pedestrians Room 9 Media produced campaign materials for Warwickshire County Council to address the dangers...
Women’s Cycling Stories – 8th March 2021
/ Modeshift News, active travel, cycling, cycling stories, International Women's Day, women cycling, Women cycling storiesTo celebrate International Women’s day, Lady Pedal Manchester and MCR Women Bike are hosting an evening of inspirational talks...
Team Modeshift Honorary Member – Carla Leowe
/ Modeshift News, road safety, Sustainable Travel, Team Modeshift Honorary MemberModeshift interviewed Honorary Member Carla Leowe, Road Safety Officer at Westminster Council, to find out about current sustainable travel...
This rapid review used a systematic and transparent approach to select 30 articles for relevance and methodological rigour. It...
To help you get the best value from any remaining budget, Pindar Creative is offering 20% off any new...
Over the course of three days we saw the delivery of five regional meetings with nearly 200 attendees. Modeshift...
Team Modeshift Honorary Member – Michael Reardon
/ Modeshift News, active travel, Derbyshire County Council, Sustainable Travel, Team Modeshift Honorary MemberModeshift interviewed Honorary Member Michael Reardon from Derbyshire County Council, to find out about his varied work history and...
Celebrating Cycling Success
/ Modeshift News, cycle tour, cycling success, Gears for queers, LGBT+ History Month, Phillippa York, Shanaze ReadePromoting cycling success in LGBT+ History Month Philippa York Philippa York, raced as Robert Millar in the 80s, finishing...
The Big Pedal 19th to 30th April 2021 – News from Sustrans
/ Modeshift News, Challenge, cycling, Sustrans, The Big Pedal, walkingFamilies invited to take part in UK’s biggest active travel school challenge. Running for the last 11 years, the...
Cycling Marketing Board Formed
/ Modeshift News, Bikeability Trust, Cycling Marketing Board, get more people riding, PartnershipCycling brands, retailers and organisations have collaborated to create the Cycling Marketing Board. The Bikeability Trust and the Cycling...
Team Modeshift Honorary Member – Claire Fleming
/ Modeshift News, Team Modeshift Honorary Member, Team ModeshitModeshift interviewed Honorary Member Claire Fleming from Swindon Borough Council, to find out more about her journey into the...
The National Travel Attitudes Study is a panel survey of individuals who have completed the National Travel Survey. They...
Living Streets launches new tool to help children stay active at home
/ Modeshift News, Living Streets, stay active at home, WOW activity trackerLiving Streets has launched the new WOW Activity Tracker to help children stay active while schools remain closed to...
Walking Bubble Resources – News from Brightkidz
/ Modeshift News, Brightkidz, Modeshift STARS, walking, walking bubblesSchools may be closed to most but many of us in the sustainable travel sector are busy planning ahead...
A series of panel discussions, Q&As and events exploring the problems caused by climate change. Throughout 2021, the Science...
Modeshift interviewed Honorary Member Martin Day from Havering Council to find out what he enjoys about working in sustainable...
A new guidance document from Cross River Partnership, part of the Healthy Streets Everyday Programme. The guidance explores five...
Transport demand management toolkit for local authorities
/ Modeshift News, Toolkit Travel Local Authorities, Travel Demand Management ToolkitTransport demand management toolkit for local authorities outside of London This toolkit will provide support to local authorities in...
LGBT+ History Month takes place throughout February and the theme this year is Body, Mind and Spirit. Modeshift would...
Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2020 to 2023
/ Modeshift News, Equality and Diversity, Inclusion, ModeshiftLaunching the Modeshift Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2020 to 2023. Our vision is for an efficient and coherent...
Hertfordshire brings road safety education to the online environment
/ Modeshift News, Hertfordshire County Council, Road Safety Education onlineNearly 8,000 primary school pupils across Hertfordshire have received road safety education online since the start of the 2020...
Team Modeshift Honorary Member – Cyclepod’s Jan Robinson
/ Modeshift News, Cyclepods, Jan Robinson, Team Modeshift Honorary MemberModeshift interviewed Honorary Member Jan Robinson from Cyclepod’s, to find out more about her journey into the world of...
New strategy puts sport and physical activity at heart of nation’s recovery
/ Modeshift News, sport, Sport England, Strategy, uniting the movement, VisionUniting the Movement is Sport England’s 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity. Nigel...
It takes both bollards and behaviour change initiatives to change how people travel – news from Sustrans
/ Modeshift News, behaviour change, cycle training, cycling, opinion, personalised travel planning, Sustrans, walkingThe importance of cycle training and personalised travel planning for people to choose cycling and walking over driving Lucy...
Women in Cycling will be kicked off at a digital launch event taking place on Wednesday 24 February from...
Support for businesses to get staff walking and cycling in 2021
/ Modeshift News, active travel funding, cyclig, walking, west Yorkshire organisationsORGANISATIONS across West Yorkshire can continue to gain access to direct support and funding to become more bike friendly...
Pave The Way Report
/ Modeshift News, accessible transport, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, Pave the way reportThe impact of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on disabled people and the future of accessible transport Transport for All is...