Modeshift interviewed Honorary Member Jan Robinson from Cyclepod’s, to find out more about her journey into the world of sustainable travel and much more.

How long have you been involved in sustainable travel? 

I have been working in sustainable travel for 14 years in July 2021 – solely through Cyclepods. I started as Cyclepods FIRST employee, back in 2007 when we were working out of an old railway shed! Our products were purely adult cycle storage solutions, designed by our MD James Steward. Very quickly it became obvious that the way forward was through the younger generations and encouraging them to cycle and carry on sustainable travel habits through their years!

So, with this in mind we introduced the Minipods in 2009 and the Scooterpods followed in 2011. These became my ‘babies’ (and I have since been known as the Minipod Queen at Cyclepods and those of you who know me!).

What have you most enjoyed about your job?

I most enjoy building so many relationships within schools and with travel champions who really believe in the cause for sustainable travel and in making our bodies and planet healthier. Building that trust and knowledge sharing is key to helping me give our customers the best service and the best solutions.

I also enjoy that I know we are all making a difference every day that we come to work. One of the best perks of my job is getting to meet so many of our little cyclists and scootists at the many events we attend that are hosted by local authorities such as the Hillingdon Teddy Bears Picnic in June!

I’m always so honoured to be invited to attend and take part at these events as it’s a great opportunity for me to meet our important end users (as children). So don’t forget, if you are running an event I would always be happy to bring along the pods and even run a free competition for your schools to win a special prize!

What are you working on now and what’s next?

2020 was a crazy year for all of us! But since the school year in September started last year we have seen an incredible increase in active travel so it’s been great to see that the pandemic hasn’t discouraged kids and early years from cycling and scooting to school.

Going forward in 2021, we may still be a little uncertain about what might happen this year. But I am looking forward to seeing how local authorities can continue to help schools with their active travel plans and more schools joining Modeshift STARs bandwagon.

Cyclepods are going to continue our 10% discount on all products for the 2021/2022 Modeshift membership year to help local authorities’ purses stretch further and hopefully assist more communities in their active travel plans.

Cyclepods have seen many challenges due to COVID-19, but are welcoming the new year with renewed energy. We have many new and exciting products heading our way this year to add to our portfolio, including street furniture and sport & play equipment! Our company group, CROWD, have recently added Ziegler, a German company to our family. which will increase our offerings and give us more resources to help our customers

What do you like about being a member of Modeshift?

Working in partnership with Modeshift nationwide to continue feeding the growth in the sustainable travel trend across the UK, both in schools and in the wider community. It is always so inspiring to see how passionate children in particular are about getting to school without cars, and how dedicated the younger generations are to protecting the environment. This is our mission at Cyclepods and a personal awareness of mine, so I’m delighted to be able to see change and help make that change every day.

I was so chuffed to receive an honorary membership at the Modeshift AGM in November. I love my job and working with you all and all your schools so thank you so much for the recognition. Remember, I am always here to help however I can. Give me a call, and email or add me on LinkedIn and get in touch if ever you need anything or even if you just fancy a catch up!

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