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Modeshift Team Talk on-line: Decarbonising NHS Travel and Transport on 11 July 12:00-14:00

Come along to our Modeshift Team Talk on-line on 11 July, to hear all about the new STARS Healthcare scheme, and how a range of healthcare settings have been working to decarbonise their travel and transport:

Book at ➡️  Decarbonising NHS travel and Transport – STARS Healthcare

The NHS became the first national health system in the world to commit to decarbonise its operations, setting a clear target for net zero by 2045 for its total carbon footprint. Several key steps will mark the transition of NHS travel and transportation:

  • By 2026, sustainable travel strategies will be developed and incorporated into trust and integrated care board (ICB) green plans
  • From 2027, all new vehicles owned and leased by the NHS will be zero emission vehicles (excluding ambulances)
  • By 2033, staff travel emissions will be reduced by 50% through shifts to more sustainable forms of travel and the electrification of personal vehicles

Over the last 18-months, Modeshift have been working with NHS England, ICBs and Trusts, to design and test a new accreditation scheme for healthcare settings to recognise and reward sites for their efforts to increase levels of sustainable and active travel. STARS Healthcare launches this summer, and aims to support Healthcare settings in meeting their commitments under the NHS England Net Zero Travel and Transport Strategy.


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