David Shannon
Modeshift Position: London Representative
Year joined the Modeshift Management Board: 2019
Place of work: London Borough of Islington
Career history: I’m a sociology graduate and started my working life as an actor, before going into B2B media sales. This was followed by 15 years in journalism before getting involved in active travel, initially as a freelance cycle instructor, then joining Islington Council to manage their in-house Bikeability scheme. I’ve also been a director of the Association of Bikeability Schemes and project director for The Bikeability Trust, developing the road map for Bikeability for All. My voluntary work includes chairing the London Borough Cycling and Walking Officers Group and I’m on the board of Sport Islington, a grant-awarding trust.
Why you joined the board: Bigger boys made me. Not strictly true, Ross is about the same height as me. Seriously, it didn’t take much to convince me to enlist and I hope we are making a difference in London and across the country and highlighting the amazing work that’s being done.
Outside of Modeshift: Well, you’d probably guess that I cycle a lot. And I do. In particular, I like racing tandems at time trials and I’ve got into off-road riding since the pandemic. But I’m also into my allotment and making jams and chutneys with some of the produce. My love of bread-making fits well with that, too. Music is very important to me and I’ve been known to play a little blues harmonica and sing in a few bands down the years.

Aimee-Claire Eyermann
South West Regional Representative 2018-Present
Member of the board since 2018
With a passion for environmental education and having worked on a number of behaviour change projects we welcome Aimee-Claire Eyermann as one of our newest members of the Modeshift Management Board. Aimee-Claire previously worked as a Schools Officer for Sustrans in 2015, before moving into her current role at Bristol City Council City Council in 2016 where she leads on Sustainable Transport work in schools across the City.