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Even if you’ve never put your foot on a pedal before, why not start now as the weather is milder and we enjoy longer evenings! The Bikeability Trust have some top tips from their instructors on how to get going and have fun along the way!

It’s not about the gear  

How do you start if you don’t have a cycle, or the ‘right’ stuff? There are so many options out there, and it can get pricey very quickly! That doesn’t have to be the case though, as there are cheaper options. 

Don’t go it alone 

Cycling with others can make it a lot more fun and give you a good reason to get out there. Finding friends who want to start cycling is a good place to start. 

Join a group or get some training 

Don’t be daunted by cycling groups or clubs – there’s something out there for everyone. 

Motivation is key 

Once you’ve made a start, keeping going is the next hurdle. If you’ve joined a group or started cycling with friends, they can help you get out the door and onto your cycle. 

Read the full article Start cycling this spring (

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