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Tell us what you think in this short survey: Residential Travel Planning – A Local Authority Approach

Our #TeamModeshift Residential Travel Planning focus group have set up a survey to gather information on the approach currently taken by different local authorities across the UK, in relation to Residential Travel Planning. This will allow us to identify similarities in approach, differences, and ultimately inform the focus group discussions. It will also help to inform discussions we hope to take part in, relating to the need for new national guidance on the Residential Travel Plan process.

Survey responses will:

  • Inform the further development of the STARS system;
  • Further discussions about the need for new guidance (national and local)
  • Identify opportunities to have a national accreditation framework.

It would be much appreciated if as many of you as possible working in a Local Authority could please take the time to complete the survey.

The survey will close 1 June 2023.


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