Staff Travel Surveys – Ingredients for Success
Thursday 27 February 11.00 – 12.30 on MS Teams
With extensive experience of undertaking staff travel surveys on behalf of large employers, including Universities and NHS Trusts across the UK, TPS Transport Consultants invites you to a CPD session on how to deliver an effective travel survey programme. The session will be led by Rob Bettison and Georgina Stares who will discuss how travel surveys can be used to:
Monitor travel patterns in the context of Travel Plan targets, and initiatives delivered.
- Feed into carbon assessments (Scope 3).
- Enable effective allocation of budget and resources to support travel behaviour change.
- Support a cohesive approach to infrastructure provision (e.g. EV charging).
- Provide a mechanism by which staff can have their say on travel and transport
There will also be an opportunity for discussion and questions.
The session is free to attend for anyone working for an NHS Trust / Facility and will be of most interest to those in transport or travel planning, estates and sustainability roles.
To register, or for further information, please email