Person in motion. Person wearing orange dress walks past a wall of colorful graffiti. Text reads: #MagicofWalking

Discover the Magic Of Walking

Living Streets’ National Walking Month is back. Throughout May, why not #Try20 and fit 20 minutes of walking into your day and discover the #MagicOfWalking.

Share your magical walking moments on social media using the hashtag #MagicOfWalking.

What makes walking and wheeling magic to you?

Share your story and Living Streets will share the best entries received across their social media platforms, so we can all spread the walking bug this May.

Everyone who shares their #MagicOfWalking story will be entered into a prize draw to win a £300 high street shopping voucher.

May also sees the return of Walk to School Week (20-24 May) when the the health and social benefits associated with walking to school are celebrated.

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