Two people using Beryl bikes image

Connect Plymouth launches electric car and bike hire

Connect Plymouth is now up and running offering new, more sustainable ways to get around the city.

Docking stations have been popping up all over the city and when fully operational, Beryl Bikes will have a 500-strong fleet of electric bikes for hire from over 90 sites across the city.

There will be an additional 300 parking bays across the city with electric vehicle charge points provided by Wenea. The Council has awarded a contract to Co Cars to run a fleet of electric car club vehicles within Plymouth.

Initially there will be 28 docking stations – or Beryl bays – with 125 bikes ready to ride and more due to come online throughout the rest of the year.

For the full article visit Connect Plymouth launches electric car and bike hire | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK

Find out more on the Connect Plymouth website.

Image Jake Baggaley

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