Friends of the Earth and Transport for Quality of Life have put together a list of 27 actions local authorities can take to reduce car use

These include setting up networks of remote working hubs, making temporary active travel infrastructure permanent, and making e-bikes free or cheap for key workers.

Friends of the Earth is calling for local authorities across the country to, on average, double the proportion of journeys by public transport, cycling and walking. While a lot of these changes come within their remit, it’s crucial that central government steps up and gives more support and funding for local authorities to act on the climate crisis.

The top actions local authorities can take to lower climate damage caused by transport:
1.Establish a network of remote working hubs
2.Make emergency active travel infrastructure permanent
3.Free/cheap e-bikes for key workers and jobseekers
4.Lower speed limits
5.Cancel local spending on road building and redirect to public transport and active travel
6.Re-regulate and improve bus services (Metro areas)
7.Amend local plans and develop only where excellent public transport is included
8.Set a carbon budget for transport and traffic reduction targets
9.Stop subsidising or encouraging free parking
10.Stop cutting bus services

To find out more visit Friends of the Earth.


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