Cycle Sisters group cycling image

We are delighted to share an invitation from our friends at Cycle Sisters

Online event on Wednesday 12 July, 12.30-14.30 to celebrate and promote diversity in cycling.

Over the past 7 years, Cycle Sisters has been working to support Muslim women to cycle.  We’ve grown to a network of 10 groups across London as well as building a grassroots movement of 1500+ women to diversify cycling which has rapidly gained momentum.

The event will be hosted by Samra Said, Chair of Cycle Sisters and you will have the opportunity to hear from an exciting panel of speakers:

  • Will Norman, London’s Walking & Cycling Commissioner
  • Sarah Javaid, Founder of Cycle Sisters
  • Syeda Akther, Cycle Sisters Volunteer Ride Leader
  • Esther Anaya-Boig, Independent Researcher
  • Eleanor Grant, London Marathon Foundation

We will be launching a series of guides developed with the support of the London Marathon Foundation which share our key learning about how to encourage diversity in cycling.

The 3 guides aim to support:

  • Individuals interested in setting up their own cycle group for diverse communities
  • Existing cycle groups who would like to become more diverse
  • Local authorities looking to increase the take-up of cycling among diverse communities

These guides will be presented alongside the findings of an external research evaluation of Cycle Sisters focusing on how our model enables more women from diverse (specifically Muslim) communities to cycle.

Register for the event here: 

Please feel free to share this invitation with other colleagues who may be interested to attend.

We are holding this event over a lunchtime period in the hope this will enable those who are passionate about cycling, but for whom it isn’t a day job, to attend. Please feel free to bring your lunch and munch away as you listen in!

We look forward to seeing you there.

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