On 23 March, Active Travel England (ATE) announced a £101 million-investment to boost cycling and walking nationwide with £51.5 million of revenue funding awarded to local authorities as part of the annual capability fund for 2023/24 and 2024/25.
In addition to this, Active Travel England has confirmed a £270k grant to Modeshift to extend funding for the Modeshift STARS Education scheme and National School Travel Awards, now entering its 10th year. The STARS program provides recognition for schools, businesses and organisations who show excellence in supporting and delivering active travel plans in their community. Local Authorities can use their capability fund for their annual STARS licence and initiatives that support mode shift to active travel in schools.
Chris Boardman, National Active Travel Commissioner said:
“We’re very proud to be funding the Modeshift STARS Education scheme and National School Travel Awards. This vital programme gives kids and their parents a reason to try travelling differently, get to school under their own steam and get a taste of what a healthier and greener future can be like.”

Image – Nick Butler, Business Director, Modeshift
Nick Butler, Business Director, Modeshift, said:
“This funding will help us to expand the STARS Education programme which last year, saw schools deliver over 10,767, for more than 2 million participants. With the continued support of Active Travel England, local authorities, our delivery partners, members and stakeholders, we will continue to strive to share the very best schemes, ideas, and knowledge, to increase levels of walking, wheeling, and cycling for the journey to school.”