The Walking and Cycling Index supports leaders of cities and towns to understand and improve walking, wheeling and cycling across the UK and Ireland.

In this latest report, there is evidence to suggest that people want a shift in funding from driving to improving walking, cycling, and public transport

Here are some of the headlines that the public wants to see

The Index highlights the public support for initiatives focused on making it easier for people to get around their neighbourhoods:

  • 65% support banning vehicles parking on the pavement with only 16% opposing
  • 58% support more cycle paths protected from traffic even if this removes space for cars
  • 50% support the installation of School Streets – closing streets outside schools to cars during drop-off and pick-up times. 24% disagree.

Read more and access the full report  sustrans-2023-walking-and-cycling-index-uk-aggregated-report

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