Contact email – info@saj-consultants.com 0191 261 8679
About us – SAJ Transport Consultants is an independent professional consultancy providing advice and expertise in the fields of transport planning and transport infrastructure for developments. Our Services include;
- Preparation of Travel Plans (including BREEAM accreditation)
- Implementation of Travel Plans
- Travel Plan Co-ordinators
- Marketing and Promotion Materials
- Travel Surveys
- Monitoring and Review of Travel Plan Targets
- Development of Public Transport Schemes
- Transport Strategies for Large Events and Developments
- Car Park Management Plans
- Multi-modal Transport Studies
- Personalised Travel Planning
- Discharge of Transport Related Planning Conditions
In respect of Travel Plans, we have worked with a wide range of clients to develop strategies which maximise the sustainable transport options for developments. These include developments in a wide range of sectors, including education, residential, industrial, retail, and leisure. We fulfil the role of Travel Plan Coordinator across a number of sites and have developed site specific websites.
New for Modeshift members – SAJ staff not only professionally advocate active and sustainable travel but we ‘walk the walk’. Our staff walk, cycle, take the train or metro, work from home, and if we must drive we consciously car share or use a car club for our journey . We even have horse riders and dancers but not necessarily appropriate for the journey to work!