Brightwayz & Brightkidz
Website address: www.brightwayz.co.uk
Email: info@brightwayz.co.uk
Tell us what you offer?
Here at Brightwayz social enterprise we are best known for our Brightkidz range of walk to school and other active travel engagement resources for children: incentives, reflectors, bike bells, stickers and printed high vis waistcoats (for group monitoring on trips out) and so on.
We also host the official Modeshift STARS shop where you can purchase a wide range of products to support your Modeshift Walking Bubble schemes. Most popular are the Walking Bubble Launch packs which are an easy way for schools to get started. There are also TfL STARS versions available from us for London councils and schools. 10% of sales income from these products goes back to Modeshift.
Another collaboration we have is with Playing Out CIC who support play streets across the UK. You can purchase Play Street packs from us to help get your schemes started.
Our Brightwayz range of products and new name was launched in 2020 to cover all ages and address the demand for active travel engagement products for workplaces and communities. This includes signage which can be customised with your local authority logo (such as the very popular green ‘Road Open for…’ signage as a positive engagement message when roads are closed to motor traffic). Other products include cycle racks, event resources, parklet mats and bright, engaging incentives to support campaigns.
What do you like about being a Modeshift Partner?
We have been Modeshift partners for many, many years under our original name Brightkidz. We love the fact we have built up such great relationships with fellow partners and members. It’s a great way for us all to share our ideas on what works (and what doesn’t work!) and find out what is needed in terms of resources to promote sustainable travel. We love catching up in person with so many of you at the annual conferences and have also been enjoying the online regional meetings.
Any Special offers for Modeshift Members
Our prices are pretty competitive anyway but sometimes we do special offers – these are promoted through Bright News our monthly enewsletter for active travel professionals. You can sign up here.
Fun Fact
We started out nearly 18 years ago as Brightkidz when our founder Alison was inspired by the walking bus scheme she ran at her son’s school and realised there was a need for resources and information to support walk to school schemes… so Brightkidz social enterprise was born.
Also 100% of profits are ploughed back towards achieving our aims of promoting safe, active, sustainable everyday travel for all.
Finally, we are really proud to be finalists in the UK Social Enterprise Awards environment category in 2021.