Contact email – info@betterpoints.uk / 07719597483
About us
BetterPoints aims to make green and healthy behaviour irresistible, for better transport, climate and health – for a healthier, happier world. Our behaviour change programmes – delivered through an award-winning app and platform – enable Local Authorities to incentivise, track, reward and measure activities such as walking, cycling, wheeling, public transport, car-sharing and scooter hire among target audiences, and to engage directly with those audiences. They generate rich sets of data for visualisation, reporting and modelling, from a combination of activity tracking, demographics and detailed, real-time user feedback.
What do you like about being a Modeshift Partner?
Being a Modeshift Partner is a great way to build relationships with people in the sector and get to know them and their work. This helps us tailor our offer to exactly what Local Authorities need to get more of their people to adopt better behaviours for transport, climate and health.
Fun fact
BetterPoints users have tracked over 10 MILLION miles of walking. It’s also the app for the Modeshift Convention and Business Conference!