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Active Travel England share their Annual Report and Accounts 2023/24

Active Travel England (ATE) has built solid foundations across transport, local government and business to move us further towards a happier, healthier and greener future.

Read ATE’s Annual Report and Accounts 2023/24

Four children stand in the centre with two adults on either side of the group. The shildren wear blue and grey school uniform. A boy on the far right holds a star shaped award.

We’re delighted to see our Modeshift STARS Education scheme feature in ATE’s Annual Report

The Modeshift STARS  National School Travel Awards ceremony recognises schools that have demonstrated excellence in increasing levels of active and sustainable travel within their school community.

This year’s winners included Natural Choice Nursery – Giggles, Cheltenham which has delivered a range of promotions and campaigns, seeing an increase in walking to nursery school over the last 3 years from 51% to 66%.

Packmoor Ormiston Academy in Stoke-on-Trent was the primary school winner, having been involved in Modeshift STARS for seven years and delivered over 40 sustainable travel initiatives, resulting in consistently low levels of car use for the school journey.

England’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty, and also an Expert Adviser to Active Travel England, has stated the importance of active travel. He said: ‘We all want to see more people incorporating active travel into their day as a way to keep mentally and physically fit.’

Danny Williams, Active Travel England’s Chief Executive Officer will be speaking at our National Modeshift Convention in November. The theme this year is ‘Making sustainable travel journeys easier’.

‘As an agency we think natural challenge and innovation is key to making a difference. We have embraced new ideas and different ways of working. Our social prescribing programme is enabling GPs to prescribe walking, wheeling and cycling to help improve the nation’s physical and mental health, while our funded trials into different types of infrastructure will help inform how we can transform our streets so that they work better for all road users.’

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