Meet Elizabeth Saul, our Modeshift North West Board Representative

Position: North West Representative

Year joined the board: 2022

Work: Transport for Greater Manchester, Senior Active Travel Officer

Career history: After gaining my master’s in European Urban Studies, I started working on sustainability projects in the Environment Team at Manchester Metropolitan University. I then moved to Transport for Greater Manchester’s Active Travel Team and have worked in a range a roles promoting sustainable and active travel. My current projects include cycle training and school streets initiative.

Why joined: I have been involved with Modeshift at a Local Authority level for the past few years and think the values of the organisation relate to my own. Joining the board feels like a way to positively build networks and relationships to support sustainable travel across the whole region.

Personal: During the first lockdown I started learning British Sign Language, although it is challenging, I am really enjoying learning something new. I also have rescue chickens, who are incredibly charismatic and provide fresh eggs daily

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