This week we are delighted to introduce Modeshift Associate Member Don Kent, UK Representative for European Mobility Week/Travelwise Week

Position: Modeshift Associate Member

Year joined the board: Involved with ActTravelwise since 2001 most of them as a director, former chair.

Place of work: Living Streets Coordinator Gateshead and the Tees Valley

Career history: After a long career in the NHS he graduated in 2000 with a Transport Planning Masters from Newcastle. Working in Newcastle, East Dunbartonshire and NESTRANS the regional Transport Partnership in NE Scotland on Smarter Choices and sustainability. I have been involved in European Mobility Week and Car Free day for 21 years and run 12 car free days. Currently the UK coordinator for EMW/Travelwise Week

Why joined the board:

I’m interested in the environment and a more just society, Active and Sustainable transport is the key to both of those. Sustainable Transport practitioners are very few and often in precarious posts Modeshift is the glue that binds us together and supports us through the tough times.


I am involved in 2041 the campaign to save Antarctica ( ) and have been there 3 times with young people to inspire them to save the last wilderness. I try to walk the walk as much as possible, which has let to some amazing European rail trips. I also like non league football and run marathons in embarrassingly slow times.

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