Active Travel England Logo image

Active Travel England were formally established as an agency in August 2022. Since then,  they have rapidly built their workforce and focused on creating the framework that will enable them to operate effectively.

This plan sets out their priorities and resources for the first full year of operation and beyond.

Their vision is: For everyone in the country to have an attractive and safe choice to walk, wheel or ride

Jesse Norman, Active Travel Minister, Department for Transport said,  “The Government’s work to improve active travel will bring huge benefits to the nation’s economy, health, and environment, and I am excited about the progress that has been made.  Hundreds of schemes have been completed across England over the last few years, and these in turn  have enabled thousands, if not tens
of thousands, of people to walk,  wheel or cycle to their destinations.  As a result, they have got healthier, cut their fuel costs and lowered their carbon footprints, while many children have seen their school runs transformed.  Active travel accounted for 45% of short journeys in towns and cities in 2021.” The effectiveness of this approach can be clearly seen in the statistics:  in part as a result of the pandemic,  active travel accounted for 45% of short journeys in towns and cities in 2021, an increase from 41% in 2018/19. Now the Government’s ambition is to build on this success, so that by 2030 50% of all short journeys are walked, wheeled
or cycled.  This corporate plan is expected to  play an important part in ensuring this target is met, as Active Travel England continues its work ensuring councils deliver well designed schemes that make our roads safer and more accessible for all.”

” If we want millions more people to walk, wheel and cycle to schools, shops and workplaces, we need to give them
what they need to make the switch.” – Chris Boardman, National Active Travel Commissioner

Download the ATE Corporate Plan here:  ate-corporate-plan-2023-to-2025

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