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ATE Engagement Webinar: Spotlight on Active Travel Ambassadors

Wednesday 4 September, 11am-11.45am

Join Modeshift’s Emily Sykes and Chris Pryor as they discuss the benefits and outcomes of the Active Travel Ambassadors programme.

Delivered by Modeshift and the Bikeability Trust, the ambassador scheme helps secondary school students increase active travel journeys in their communities using behaviour change campaigns and interactive engagement opportunities.

The webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and is designed for council employees and those who work with councils to deliver active travel schemes, including professionals in transport, highways, communications and planning roles. We invite you to share this with your networks in these groups. Sign up and find out more here.

You may also be interested in other upcoming ATE engagement webinars:

  • Tuesday 6 August: ATE Engagement Webinar: Helping Communities Choose Walking, Wheeling and Cycling. Sign up here.

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