Modeshift Convention 2023 logo image - sponsored by Scoot Fit

Annual Modeshift National Convention – Meet Scoot Fit

Thursday 23 – Friday 24 November 2023

Scoot Fit have been a Modeshift partner since 2017. Here, Scoot Fit Founder James Rodger tells us more about Scoot Fit and what they’ll be bringing to this year’s Convention as our main sponsor:

Meet the Main Sponsor

Scoot Fit is an active travel, sport, and fitness company. Its aim is to get more children and adults scooting to school by using their new innovative sport ‘Scoot Ball’ – Football on scooters.

Scoot Fit training. School children lined up in school playground taking part in Scoot Fit training. Trainer demonstrates in school playground

At Scoot Fit, we understand active travel is a physically demanding activity, particularly for those who live a sedentary lifestyle. We aim to improve fitness, strength, balance and confidence with Scoot Ball, Scoot Fit Gym, a strength, and conditioning programme and Walk Fit.

Scoot Fit are proud and excited to showcase Scoot Ball and the Gym at this year’s Modeshift Convention. All delegates are invited to participate or watch to learn how our teachings create a modal shift.

Established in 2013, Scoot Fit have evolved and revolutionised scooter training in the UK and expect Scoot Ball to become a standalone sport as popular with children as football, cricket, basketball or tennis.

Our innovative methodology for understanding the need for three- and two-wheel scooters paved the way for our ‘Springs and Ladders’ balance assessment which makes children and adults safer and more adept at riding a scooter to school. Swansea Research University are currently in talks with Scoot Fit to explore this further.

We’ve provided councils and schools with data showing how many children could not balance or scoot safely. We also provide audits of the pathway a school has in place to engage more children to scoot to school.

Scoot Fit training has been shown to cause an immediate increase in active travel levels because of the vast number of children who couldn’t scoot now being able to.

Any activity that schools complete in partnership with Scoot Fit go towards helping them achieve national STARS accreditation through the Modeshift STARS Education scheme.

Contact Scoot Fit


T: 07960 885 083


For more on the Convention and to book your place visit National Modeshift Convention – Modeshift – Sustainable Travel

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