Angela Harrison
Position: Midlands Regional Representative
Year joined the board: 2021
Place of work: Safe and Sustainable Travel Co-ordinator – Leicestershire County Council
Career history: I have spent much of my career working for HM Land Registry and am a Management Trainer by profession however voluntary redundancy, back in 2014, led me to the role of Road Safety Trainer with LCC. This gave me the fabulous opportunity of working with schools and children for the first time and my career in sustainable travel took off from there. A series of promotions followed which has seen me manage the School Crossing Patrol Service, for the county, and now I predominantly working with Developers on the delivery of their Travel Plans and S106 contributions, in respect of sustainable travel initiatives. I am working to improve our local practices and tackle the issue of unspent contributions by working to influence change and this work is ongoing.
Why joined the board: I took over the management of the S106 (sustainable travel contributions) back in 2017 and needed to devise new local processes. New to the world of S106, at that time, this was a mammoth task however the amazing contacts I have been put in touch with, as a result of Modeshift, has been invaluable as the sharing of ideas and best practice has helped me progress immeasurably. This has enabled me to streamline our processes but also grow ideas and push for change going forward. This would not have been possible without the help and support of Nick and team Modeshift but also the networking across other regions and nationally and this is what Modeshift supports and encourages so actively. I feel I have learnt so much in the past 4 years that I can now give something back to others as we all continue to work together to encourage more sustainable modes of transport and protect our environment.
Personal: I am a very keen runner and am a member of a very active and social running club! I am also a walking enthusiast and spend hours in the beautiful countryside close to my home (and further afield when the opportunity arises) walking my beloved rescue dog Buddy. I am also a keen cyclist and lockdown allowed me the time to challenge myself and complete my longest ride to date, which is 60 miles. This I now need to beat! However with two very active teenage boys, time is limited, so life is a juggling act but I try to squeeze as much as I can into each day! Eating out and meeting friends is another passion and I am all too delighted this is now possible again, like many, I will never take this for granted again.