New addition to #TeamModeshift

Fiona Dry joins the team as Modeshift STARS National Portfolio Manager

Woman stands with hand on hip, wearing blue top and glasses. In the background there is a mountainous landscape with a lake in view.

Fiona has worked across NHS and third sector organisations for over 30 years with experience of supporting and initiating innovative services and resources across nursing and midwifery and supporting pregnant women in prison to gain equitable care. Her roles have given her experience in a broad range of settings across community, hospital-based and Prison health care.

Most recently she worked as Training and Workforce development lead for a national charity with a focus on support for vulnerable families, designing and facilitating the training and supportive resources for up to thirty practices across the UK. Supporting the teams within this network and developing the training and resource portfolio inspired Fiona to focus on support and innovation and has led to her joining #TeamModeshift.

Fiona told us: ‘I have always enjoyed looking at broader public health issues and developing ways of helping to improve social and health outcomes at both local and regional levels. The aims and objectives of Modeshift align with both public health and broader environmental and economic improvements across society. The role of National Portfolio Manager gives me the opportunity to input into this important area of work with sustainable travel partners, alongside supporting the delivery team in their frontline roles.’

Outside of Team Modeshift Fiona enjoys running, paddle boarding and hiking with friends and family. She is also part of an amateur drama group and plays the clarinet in a local community orchestra, where she describes herself as a ‘rusty returner’ having picked up the clarinet again after a twenty-year break, whilst being busy with her career and a growing family.

Welcome to #TeamModeshift Fiona.

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