Modeshift Travel Champion – Everyday people inspiring everyday journeys
Alice Dale our Active Travel Ambassador (ATA) Coordinator for the West Midlands:
‘I live in Rugby but deliver the ATA programme in Solihull and Birmingham. Therefore, I regularly get the train and then walk to visit the schools and deliver sessions.
What motivates you to try and travel actively and sustainably?
What motivates me to travel actively and sustainably is that it’s another way I can help reduce my impact on climate change and poor air quality. An added bonus is that catching a train is far less stressful than driving ( as long as the trains are on time). I can complete work, read a book or have a nap whilst on the train which I definitely can’t when driving.
How would you encourage others to be a Team Modeshift Travel Champion?
Be prepared with a rain coat, sunglasses and comfortable pair of shoes. That way you are prepared for anything the British weather throws at you.’
Are you an inspiring #TravelChampion or is there someone who inspires you to travel more sustainably?
Are there any challenges you have had to overcome to travel actively that could inspire others to do the same?
Share your story with us by completing and returning the Team Modeshift Travel Champion form (Word 79Kb)