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Improving cycle parking for people on a low income

Sustrans logo. Green text on white background.

New research by Sustrans and Cyclehoop unveils how poor cycle parking stops people on a low income or not in employment from cycling and what can improve it.

The residential cycle parking survey found only 12% of people on a low income or not in employment own a cycle and currently use it.

Just under a third (32%) of people on a low income or not in employment did not have a convenient and secure space to park their cycle at home.

This equates to 3.7 million people who are locked out of cycling, despite being those who need it most.

Disparities in access to cycle parking are even starker for many on a low income or not in employment.

39% of disabled people did not have convenient and secure space to park their cycle at home, as well as 34% of women and 36% of people from an ethnic minority background.

Almost half of people on a low income or not in employment (47%) said they would start cycling or cycle more if they had a place to park their cycle at home which was convenient, secure, safe, and accessible. This equates to around 5.5 million people.

For the full article and three recommendations from Sustrans visit: Improving cycle parking for people on a low income – –

Orange text on white background. Reads: Cyclehoop

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