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Homes England – Winter Learning Programme 2023

Homes England ran a series of free webinars for Local Authorities in February this year, and have now uploaded the recordings on their YouTube channel.

There are some transport related sessions that may be of interest to our members, here are our picks:

Active Travel

Explore how Active Travel England’s new statutory role in the planning system, prioritised by the Department of Transport, can unlock growth and deliver climate objectives with support from local government through planning policy, development management and regeneration activities.

Evolution of Transport Planning

The addition of Quantifiable Carbon Reduction (QCR) as part of Local Transport Plan (LTPs) is key in helping local and central government articulate how infrastructure can unlock growth while demonstrating how it contributes to climate objectives. Local Authorities have a crucial role to play in the delivery of transport improvements and carbon reductions through LTPs. Understanding the link between spatial development and transport delivery will be key for the Homes England Programme to be delivered successfully, and the contribution of Local Authorities to articulate the carbon implications of their activities will be crucial.​

Building a Sustainability Team

This session aims to help understand and overcome local authority barriers and challenges when establishing and growing teams to address net zero and sustainability agendas, with peer-to-peer learning and case studies.

Manual for Streets

This session complements engagement activities on the revised Manual for Streets, offering key guidance on designing streets with placemaking in mind.

An Introduction to Green Infrastructure

A practical session led by Building with Nature (BwN) exploring the strategic importance of green infrastructure, with local authority and developer speakers presenting policy and development case studies.

The full Winter Learning Programme is available on the Homes England YouTube Channel.



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