A woman sits on a stationary bike wearing a VR headset while a trainer stands beside her. A large screen displays a virtual cycling environment showing a residential street with a yellow car. A Modeshift Active Travel Ambassador (ATA) Program banner is visible in the background.

Boosting Staff Confidence on Two Wheels: A Partnership Approach to Cycle Training

Chris Pryor, our Active Travel Ambassador Programme Manager explains all:

At Modeshift, we champion active travel—but how often do we ensure that those promoting it have the skills and confidence to cycle safely themselves? That question led to a fantastic partnership initiative that brought together The Bikeability Trust, West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), and our Active Travel Ambassador team for a unique and practical learning experience.

Recognising the importance of leading by example, we reached out to Dan Bishop at The Bikeability Trust to explore the potential of using their VR cycle training kit—a tool traditionally reserved for school pupils—for an adult training session. Dan was eager to test its effectiveness with a professional team, making this a groundbreaking first.

The session was hosted at WMCA’s offices in Birmingham, strengthening our growing relationship with another key partner in the active travel space. The training covered essential cycling skills, including the M/ABC (Alphabet) cycle safety check, ensuring that everyone left feeling more prepared and confident.

 A group of people sits around a large meeting table watching a VR cycling training session. One participant is on a stationary bike wearing a VR headset, while a trainer provides guidance. A large screen shows a virtual cycling route, and the Modeshift ATA Program banner is displayed nearby.

Measuring Impact

A pre- and post-session survey revealed overwhelmingly positive results, highlighting how valuable hands-on experience is in building staff confidence. Given its success, we’re now looking to roll this out as part of our onboarding process for new starters, ensuring that our team is equipped to practice what we preach.

To round off the day, we were treated to a tour of the Region Traffic Control Centre, offering a fascinating insight into how transport movements are monitored and managed.

This initiative is a perfect example of partnership working in actionThe Bikeability Trust, WMCA, and Modeshift coming together to support staff development, safety, and active travel advocacy. It’s a best-practice model we hope to replicate and expand in the future!’

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