What is being built in 2025?
A new report has concluded that a combination of wrong location, wrong transport and a lack of density is resulting in car dependent ‘tarmac’ housing estates which are increasing congestion, limiting housing choices for those who don’t want to drive everywhere, and damaging existing town centres.
What is being built in 2025? In search of the station, from Transport for New Homes, reveals that housing targets aimed at rural parts of the country and a developer-led choice of location are creating car-dependent estates far away from major urban areas and isolated from good public transport.
The report concluded that car-based suburban sprawl, with lifestyles shaped around driving, is now the default model of development.
Nick Butler, Modeshift’s Chief Operating Officer said:
‘We welcome this new report from Transport for New Homes which really highlights the importance of considering how residents will go about making their everyday journeys once they move into their new homes. Too often public transport services and active travel infrastructure are the last elements to be implemented on new developments which has the detrimental effect of enforcing car dependent behaviours. At Modeshift we are advancing with our plans to expand our STARS Residential accreditation scheme for Residential Travel Plans to give local authorities and developers the tools to implement effective Travel Plans from day one of the development being built.’
For the full article visit: New housing developments like ‘a jigsaw with pieces missing’ – Transport for New Homes