Three woman walk at the front of a walking group, chatting and smiling, green trees and path in the background. Woman on the right hand side wears yellow high viz vest.

SouthYorksWalks: A Celebration of Walking and Wheeling in South Yorkshire

#SouthYorksWalks is a celebration of the joy of getting about under your own steam, which is happening right across South Yorkshire from Friday 13 through to Sunday 15 September. 

As part of South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority’sMayor’s Year of Active Travel, this three-day celebration is all about moving more, moving differently, and sharing that experience with others.

It’s not a competition, there’s no race involved, the prize is the buzz you get from a great walk, and you definitely don’t need to pull on your hiking boots.

Instead, for those three days,  everyone is encouraged to think about making a few more local trips by walking or wheeling (in a wheelchair or mobility scooter) instead. Or taking more leisurely walks around their neighbourhood to enjoy the pleasure that walking can bring. Perhaps even to consider joining a Walking Group.

And of course, inspiring folk to discover all the physical and mental health benefits we know walking and wheeling delivers.

Get involved:

Community and walking groups are encouraged to organise a walk to coincide with the weekend of walking and wheeling. Please let SYMCA know by emailing Share your walks on social media using the hashtag #SouthYorksWalks, and help spread the word!

Promoting wellbeing in the workplace

Businesses can join the fun by organising Wellbeing Walks for employees. If you plan a walk, let SYMCA know by emailing, and they will feature your participation on their webpage. Don’t forget to share and Wellbeing Walks on social media and tag #SouthYorksWalks.

Blue text on pink background reads: South Yorks Walks. 13 - 15 September. SYMCA logo, Oliver Coppard South Yorkshire Mayor logo. Year of Active Travel logo

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