We are delighted to introduce Modeshift Associate Member, Gill Hunt

Position: Sustainable Travel Specialist – Travel Demand Management Expert

Year joined the board: 2019 (Act TravelWise), Modeshift – 2022

Place of work: Transport for West Midlands

Career history: I’ve worked in the Public Sector in various guises for 51 years this year (I’m not quite ready to retire just yet!) I’ve worked in Sustainable Travel since 2001 and have loved every minute of it. I’ve met many lovely people (some are already Board Members of Modeshift) clocked up many miles travelling on trains, talked to many different people in businesses, education establishments and general public, attended conferences, run workshops and now webinars.  I’ve also worked outside in all weathers at promotional events and there is still life in this ‘old dog’ yet!  

Why joined the board: For the last 20 years I’ve been part of a very pro active West Midlands Regional Team (Act TravelWise) and joined the Board to try to put my experience to good use.  Now we have amalgamated with like minded friends at Modeshift I‘m would looking forward to be part of the bigger team promoting sustainable travel.


I have a love of lots of things especially good food, hence, I love to cook, bake and mix cocktails which doesn’t help my ever expanding waistline.  I love my garden and have around 40 fish in a large pool, I’ve sung in a ladies choir and played many racket sports.  I also love my music from Classical, Jazz, Blues, Country, to name a few of many genres.

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