Website – www.brake.org.uk
Contacts – admin@brake.org.uk, or PO Box 548, Huddersfield HD1 2XZ, UK, or Tel 01484 559909
Info about the organisation – Brake is a national road safety charity, founded in 1995, that exists to stop deaths, serious injuries and pollution on roads, and to care for families bereaved and injured in road crashes. Brake campaigns for safe and healthy roads through seeking government policies and investment to end the carnage, and through projects that help communities, schools and employers promote safe and pollution-free streets locally. Brake is the national provider of care and support to victims of road crashes and their families through the National Road Victim Service, helping families cope with the shock, turmoil and devastation that road crashes cause families across the UK every day.
What Brake offer – We run projects to help raise awareness about safe and healthy mobility including the UK’s biggest road safety campaign, Road Safety Week in November. We also offer Beep Beep! Day in April run by schools, nurseries, playgroups or childminders to teach important road safety basics to very young children (aged 2–7) and Brake’s Kids Walk which involves thousands of primary school children walking at the same time to promote the health and planet-saving benefits of walking and shout out for their right to make safe and healthy journeys
What do you like about being a Modeshift Partner/Supporter? – Working towards Modeshift STARS accreditation encourages educators to engage with road safety, and is frequently cited by schools as a reason they are participating in Brake’s campaign projects.
Fun fact – Last year’s Road Safety Week saw over 4,500 signups, reaching 6.5 million people across the UK