A group of seven students wearing school uniform stand in a row. The students on each end of the line hold bicycles. Four students in the center wear orange high viz vests. They all have their arms up in the air cheering. A school building a green playing field is in the background.

Almost £300m Boost for Walking, Wheeling, and Cycling Schemes

Active Travel England has unveiled nearly £300 million in funding to enhance and expand active travel initiatives across the country. This includes £1 million for Modeshift to support the growth of our Modeshift STARS schemes —including STARS Education, Business, Healthcare, and Residential—as well as the expansion of the Active Travel Ambassadors (ATA) programme to more regions.

Key Highlights:

  • The funding will enable Modeshift to introduce new initiatives, recruit additional staff, enhance the STARS accreditation system, and improve data analysis for better reporting and delivery.
  • Currently, two-thirds of local authorities in England participate in the Modeshift STARS Education scheme, with 84 organisations holding licences for STARS Business, Healthcare, and Residential schemes.
  • In the last academic year, over 11,500 initiatives were recorded in the STARS Education scheme, engaging more than 2.1 million participants.
  • By 2025/26, Modeshift aims to support over 5,000 school, business, healthcare, and residential sites through our accreditation schemes, reaching a population of more than 2.9 million people.
  • The expansion of our ATA programme will engage 120 secondary schools, train 1,000 new Active Travel Ambassadors, and reach over 125,000 students.

Four school children stand in a row. They are giving thumbs up gestures and smiling. Each wears a red school jumper. Behind them is a Modeshift branded display stand.

Nick Butler, Chief Operating Officer of Modeshift, said:

‘This funding is a testament to the incredible efforts of individuals and organisations across the country who are dedicated to making walking, wheeling, cycling, and public transport more accessible. Modeshift STARS is built on collaboration, and it is the collective effort of Team Modeshift that has driven real change. With this investment, we can further expand our reach and ensure more communities benefit from initiatives that make active travel a natural choice for everyday journeys.’

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